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  • A one-stop factory for smart sericulture and silk raw material extraction begins operations to create a new silk industry

A one-stop factory for smart sericulture and silk raw material extraction begins operations to create a new silk industry

UNITED SILK Co., Ltd. (Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture/President: Takashi Kawai) is collaborating with social welfare corporation Kurushimakai (Imabari City, Ehime Prefecture/Chairman: Kiyohito Ochi) to create a new silk industry and In order to create employment opportunities for people with disabilities, a factory equipped with “MayuFacture®,” a mass silkworm rearing system capable of producing 500,000 silkworms per year, and “silk raw material processing equipment,” using land and buildings owned by the Kurushima-kai. Operations began on May 16, 2022, and an opening ceremony was held on May 30 of the same year. Establishing an all-in-one factory that handles everything from raising silkworms to extracting raw materials will be an advanced initiative both domestically and internationally.